A designer developed a kit of sex toys for elderly people
The designer thinks that many sex toys are made for people who are aged between 18 and 49. His toys will suite those who are more then 50 years old and disabled people.
A student of the university of graphic design offered the topic for diploma work. It’s name is “touching” and it is a kit of sex toys for elderly people.
Chanel 24 with a reference on Dezeen informs that this set will help aged couples to learn each other’s bodies once again. For example the kit contains a stethoscope with a tube enabling lovers to smell each other.
The designer is sure that standard sex toys are created for people under 50, but his toys could be used by people over 50 and disabled people.
The designer's kit mostly contains tools that affect hearing, smell, touch and vision. Except for the stethoscope, which is a tube for listening to heartbeats there are sniffing tubes as well.
The toys from the kit “Touching” resemble a set of medical instruments and don’t contain phallic forms. The designer wanted to make his kit not too liberated in order not to frighten the older users.