Experts told that a sex robot can take the place of a partner in the marriage

Experts told that a sex robot can take the place of a partner in the marriage

Ladies cheat on their husbands not rarely than the representatives of the stronger sex. However, you can stop this. Experts think that sex robots come to the rescue of women.

However, the usage of sex robots can solve only deeply sexual and psychological problems, such as a woman’s libido underestimated by many people and constant tiredness from one man.

The producers of sex robots say that their technology guarantees the simplicity of unfaithfulness, because sex with a robot can’t be considered as a real betrayal. But these robots thanks to different setting mechanisms give women supernatural sexual pleasure.

They say that if sex robot market has a real boom, then male humanoids are not enough in this market.

Everything comes from the fact that the producers underestimate women’s libido very much, psychologists think in this way.  They note that ladies need constant sexual life not rarely than the representatives of the stronger sex, and monogamy relations seems tiresome for them.

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