5 techniques to develop sensitivity

5 techniques to develop sensitivity

The quality and duration of foreplay directly influence the adequacy of the coitus. The preparation allows to eliminate the nervous tension, activates sense perception and stimulates an orgasm.

Very often a pair likes foreplay more than just satisfying the need in the coitus. The basic rules are mastered by means of the simple exercises.

Hurry is the main enemy

The higher the pace of life, the less time and power are left for love pleasures. The tantric (prolonged) coitus is possible only if you can release your energy from stressful factors. Regard love caresses as a valuable process and get maximum pleasure in every moment, not delaying the pleasure to the future.


Like any other practice, sex needs regular trainings. And you must prepare for the planned event. The planning can help manage the list of everyday affairs and economize the inner resources for sexual plays, directing the energy to them.

Orgasm is not an end in itself  

The prolonged sex implies the ability of the partners to control the beginning of an orgasm. Master the edging technique so that the delayed orgasm will be more powerful.

Adjustment to the partner

Love foreplay needs good interaction with the partner and the ability to adjust to his feelings. To simplify the task, at first try to synchronize the breath: psychologists know this technique very well. The rhythmical breath will simplify the dialog of the bodies.


Quality sex needs full concentration and devotion. Get rid of the outside irritants. As a minimum, provide silence. But to have sex in the darkness is not productive: men love with their eyes, it’s a well-known fact. It is possible to put a band on the eyes of the woman – in this way she can better concentrate on her own sensations.

The source: https://sexabudhabi.club/